WELCOME TO WEDGEFIELD - A Deed Restricted Community

Wedgefield Gardening Friends –

Plant a Seed and Grow a Friendship”


The Group objective is to create, promote and develop an interest in gardening by sharing knowledge and experience. Feel free to participate by posting your gardens ideas, tips, project and questions on our Facebook page. We are always willing to learn new ways to keep our garden growing. https://www.facebook.com/groups/419131141784330/?ref=bookmarks

Who: Anyone interested in gardening and plants are welcome to attend!

What: Sharing gardening and plant information, educational speakers, educational field trips, lunch with friends.

Where: Wedgefield Club House Conference Room

When: The first Thursday of every month at 11:00 am

June 6th was our meeting date, lots of new people came to hear Dulce give a presentation on Feng Shui in the garden. The first thing our leader had to say was our meeting in July is canceled, the meeting would fall on July 4th! Enjoy your celebrations!

Dulce told us so much about Feng Shui and how to apply it to our gardens. The Feng Shui emblem is called a Bagua, this form can enliven our environments, the accepted idea is to use rounded shapes otherwise a point may have negative energy. She said threes are good. 3 shrubs,3 pots. Fish are lucky, doesn’t have to be a real fish! Jade plants are good to have, heart-shaped leaves like a
philodendron. No Thorns which have injury potential! Gazing balls are very nice, evergreen plants and trees, fruit trees, pines, bamboo, lights and wind chimes, enliven our yards and she wants us to use color based on the area of the Bagua, so refer to her printout for lucky colors to use. Our next meeting will be in August. On August First! First Thursday!

****You may also get assistance at the IFAS Extension where Master Gardeners are available from 8 am-noon and 1- 5 pm weekdays; or call 407-254-9200.