WELCOME TO WEDGEFIELD - A Deed Restricted Community

“FIRE ALERT” – Firewise

Firewise LogoAs proven by the Wedgefield fire of March 2nd, large wildfires can happen unexpectedly!! Ten homes were evacuated due to this fire. Flames were within feet of some of these homes. Weather plays a large part in our possibility of fire. Since we can’t control environmental conditions, like drought, we ALL need to take the initiative to “Firewise” our homes and prepare an evacuation plan for our families.

The Theory of Defensible Space, as defined by Newman’s book is a “Residential Environment where individuals work to ensure their own security”.

Most Firewise concepts are relatively inexpensive and can make the difference in your home’s chance of survival during a wildfire. Here is a list of the most effective actions you can take:

• Remove dead fuels from your roof, gutters, outbuildings and wooden fences

• Screen soffits that have openings into attics

• Maintain a 30-foot buffer, if possible, next to wooded areas

• Store flammable fuels away from home and ignition sources

• Make sure your address is well marked and has access for emergency vehicles

• Have dependable water hoses strategically placed around your home. Especially, longer hoses adjacent to wooded sides of your home.

• Support“ Prescribed Burning” in our area to lower fuel loads

• Many elderly residents may need help with labor to become Firewise!

Firewise examples are posted on our facebook page- Wedgefield Firewise. If you need assistance or ideas to ensure your home is Firewise, WE ARE HERE TO HELP! If you are already Firewise, please consider helping neighbors or working together on larger projects.