WELCOME TO WEDGEFIELD - A Deed Restricted Community

“What’s Up Wedgefield” Community Calendar


Click each event title for more information


WHOA Monthly Membership Meeting

Wedgefield Clubhouse, 20550 Maxim

Please attend the monthly meeting to get the latest information from your HOA Board.

WHOA Monthly Membership Meeting

Wedgefield Clubhouse, 20550 Maxim

Please attend the monthly meeting to get the latest information from your HOA Board.

HOA members can add community events and garage sale addresses/times to this calendar by emailing president@wedgefieldhomeowners.com. Not a member? Join here for $50 for the entire calendar year.

Not only do you get free advertising of your events here, one entry in the Newsletter Directory, and this calendar linked to our new Facebook page, but membership also gives you voting rights.