WELCOME TO WEDGEFIELD - A Deed Restricted Community

Wedgefield Gardening Friends

Plant a Seed and Grow a Friendship”


The Group Objective is to create, promote and develop an interest in gardening by sharing knowledge and experience. Feel free to participate by posting your gardens ideas, tips, project and questions on our Facebook page. We are always willing to learn new ways to keep our garden growing. https://www.facebook.com/groups/419131141784330/?ref=bookmarks

Who: Anyone interested in gardening and plants are welcome to attend!

What: Sharing gardening and plant information, educational speakers, educational field trips, lunch with friends.

Where: Wedgefield Club House Conference Room

When: The first Thursday of every month at 11:00 am

We were very interested to hear the presentation for May 2, 2019, member Brenda, told us how plants communicate! We talk to our plants and sometimes see results, good or bad. Brenda says that the plants talk to each other!

Inside the plants are organelles, the cells organs. Some are granules the best known is the chloroplast granule which uses sunlight to make sugars. If not used, the sugar is stored in a granule, a form of starch. Gravity makes the sugars stored to be at the bottom of the cells. Light tells the plant to grow toward light that is most blue. More blue light means less plants are around. Photoreceptors perceive the blue color. Plants will grow tall to get out of shadow of other plants.
Plants taste with their roots allowing them to absorb nutrients. Some plants can smell if another plant is around. They perceive in order to compete for light and nutrient. They warn each other of danger, if eaten secrete less tasty substance, also secrete to warn near by plants. Plants do better when we talk to them. Stay smaller if touched! This may delay flowering, and accelerated aging! They listen to music, researching is still going on.

So remember, our plants may not like touching but do like conversation and music! A nice reason to some music for ourselves and for our plants!

****You may also get assistance at the IFAS Extension where Master Gardeners are available from 8 am-noon and 1- 5 pm weekdays; or call 407-254-9200.