WELCOME TO WEDGEFIELD - A Deed Restricted Community

Neighborhood Watch May/June 2019

Each Month Neighborhood Watch Information will continue to be published in an ongoing effort to keep our community informed on crime watch matters.


The Wedgefield NHW is strictly watch and report. No pursuit, no patrol, no confrontation, just watch and report.


During the last half of MAY to the present date of JUNE 10, 2019 based on Orange County Sheriff’s crime statistics listed on the OCSO web site we have had 1 residential burglary on RACINE in the 20700 Block and One Automobile burglary in the 2600 Block of BABBITT.

I saw a video posted on Facebook that showed an individual checking door handles in our subdivision. Please lock up and above all “Bag it” and take the valuables with you.

OCSO is celebrating NHW Night Out on August 6 this year. We are again going to push for residents to get to know their neighbors. We have had ice cream socials etc. but the weather is problematic in August. If we do anything it will be in October this year with something like a cookout in the park with residents bringing a dish.

It stands as an example of why we do not pursue, patrol or confront. If someone had approached the vehicle that was involved there could have been another crime committed. When reporting a crime or suspicious activity all that is required is a good description of the incident. If a vehicle is involved just the color, the number of doors and occupants and the direction of travel along with the nearest cross street. License plate number not required.

During the month of July, there is no NHW or HOA Meeting but in August on the 13th we will have Joe Lopez who is running for Orange County Sheriff speak to us so I hope everyone will attend to hear what he has planned to solve our crime issues.

SPECIAL THANKS to Denise Grage our NHW FaceBook Coordinator for keeping our NHW FaceBook page neighborly and smooth running. A Well done to everyone involved with the NHW Program.

Now let us “Make it a Habit” and to BE SURE TO LOCK UP, be good neighbors and make the effort to be observant and take appropriate action. “SEE SOMETHING – SAY SOMETHING”

To report a crime in progress, fire or medical emergency Dial 911. The number to report suspicious activity or a crime committed Dial 407-836-HELP (4357).

After dialing the appropriate OCSO Number:

PLEASE THEN CALL PHIL UNSER at 407-679-6644 (24hrs). This helps Phil to keep an accounting of what is happening in our neighborhood and make sure that these reports stay accurate and up-to-date.
