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Firewise Information on the Keetch – Byram Drought Index

As we enter our Wildfire Season, the most important indicator of current wildfire potential is the KBDI or Keetch – Byram Drought Index. Today, May 11th, our KBDI is just under 500. The KBDI Scale was established in 1968 to inform Foresters, Land Managers, Wildland Firefighters, and Residents of the severity of the current fire danger.

The Keetch-Byram Drought Index, or KBDI, is the amount of moisture in the top 8” of soil. It is the best indicator of drought and therefore wildfires. Gains and losses in-ground moisture is calculated with variables in Temperature, Relative Humidity, Precipitation, and the Rate of Evaporation to represent the KBDI. Its scale is from 0-800. Zero represents s standing water and 800 would be a desert. You can find out the KBDI by going to the Florida Forest Service’s site FreshFromFlorida/current weather.

Thankfully, this year we are forecasted to have a lower than normal Fire Season. However, never become complacent. A wildfire only takes minutes to destroy an unprepared home and you never know when it might strike. So please make sure your home is Firewise. There are demonstrations on our Facebook Page, Wedgefield Firewise, and you can follow along with Ed’s Firewise Tips to ensure that you never become a victim of a wildfire.

Firewise Together!