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Fear, Peace & the Duality of Nature

When we fear something, what are we really fearing? Is it the situation or the person, a thing, or whatever the object of the fear is focused on? Well, it’s really none of these things. What we are really fearing is our own suffering.

Sometimes our fear of suffering holds us back from taking chances and living life to the fullest. But, one thing is certain, we will always face suffering in life and we’ll be rejected over and over. There is no escaping it. Yet, we will also face happiness and we’ll be accepted over and over. Both are inevitable, such is the duality of nature. What goes up must come down, if there is a right there must be a left. Duality is a must for everything to operate.

So, what is the difference between the two? Nothing. The only difference is our reactions to them. Through turning within, we can come to realize true peace and the power of choice, and we can choose how to react. To live in true peace, we must accept the inevitable duality of nature. We must accept both suffering and happiness as one in the same. Things will not always go our way that is for sure, but when they don’t can we still stay peaceful? That is the ultimate challenge.

Peace, love & happiness
Ovita Yoga