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The Beauty of the Heart

The most beautiful function of our heart is its capability to both give love and receive love, it is a gateway for the inflow and the outflow of this energy.

A healthy functioning heart not only applies in a physical sense, it also applies to having a healthy balanced flow of love in our lives. But for many, if not most of us, we experience blockages in this energy for many reasons.

Some of us love to receive love but have a hard time feeling or expressing it back, or sometimes we may find it difficult to show kindness and compassion toward other people, animals or even nature. Then, there are those of us who love to give love but sometimes we feel unworthy of receiving it back, or we may not know how to receive or accept it.

When the heart is not functioning well with a balanced inflow and outflow of love, life becomes very difficult, especially within our relationships toward other people and life in general. It’s important to check in with ourselves and assess our functioning, as a lot of the time we are so unconscious of our behavior and why we do the things we do. It is as if we are on auto pilot a lot of the time, most of our day is nonstop action and filled with interaction with others, but we must stop and take the time to consciously interact with ourselves, to check in with ourselves. So, slow down, give yourself the much needed “me” time, invite some space and silence into your life and become the observer of yourself. From this conscious presence, you can see the heart and your mind almost from an outsider’s view, and then you can to see the necessary changes you may need to make within yourself to flow in balance with love & peace.

Better for you, better for everyone in our lives, better for the world.
Peace, Love & Balance
Ovita Yoga