WELCOME TO WEDGEFIELD - A Deed Restricted Community

Amateur Radio Operator Class April 21st & 22nd, 2018

As we know the current hand held radios that the C.E.R.T. Team Leaders have are only good for inter-team communications as they lack the broadcast range needed for Wedgefield. We some time ago determined that Amateur Radio is the only true answer.

We currently have five licensed Amateur Radio operators and have a need for at least two or three more. Any C.E.R.T. Member or Wedgefield Volunteer that would be interested in taking this short 2-day course on April 21st and 22nd, 2018,  should give Phil Unser a call for details. He can be reached at (407) 679-6644 or by e-mail unser@earthlink.net specify Amateur Radio in the subject line.