WELCOME TO WEDGEFIELD - A Deed Restricted Community

Wedgefield Garden Club – Yard of the Month – June 2016

YOM_July2016We welcome the month of June’s Yard of the Month Winner, Phil and Uzma Scott of 18700 Newburg, formerly of Huntington Beach, California. They moved here to be with children and Phil is retired police and a retired Marine.

Upon approaching their property, the Zoysia grass draws your eye as its color and beautifully maintained condition is striking. One of the palm lined driveways leads to a porte cochere which is highlighted by tiki and other native plants which also surround the front of the house, and at the entrance of the driveway to the property and all are extremely well maintained, glossy and trim. They have planted orange, peach, guave, and pomegranate trees, all of which are beautifully maintained and certainly in a few years will bear fruit. All in all, they have in 2 years produced a very serene and spectacular atmosphere on their property.

During the tour of this area we want to mention properties that were of honorable mention and lovely to behold: 18938 Overton, 18725 Sodbury, 18742 Robertson, 18321 Robertson and 6048 Dolphin Ct.